Source code for doplaydo.dodata.config

"""SDK Configuration."""

import pathlib
from dotenv import find_dotenv
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings, SettingsConfigDict
from functools import lru_cache
from sqlalchemy.engine import URL
import os
import multiprocessing

class Path:

    module = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
    analysis_functions = module / "analysis_functions"

    analysis_functions_device = analysis_functions / "device_data"
    analysis_functions_die = analysis_functions / "die"
    analysis_functions_wafer = analysis_functions / "wafer"

    # Device
    analysis_functions_device_iv_resistance = (
        analysis_functions_device / ""
    analysis_functions_device_fsr = analysis_functions_device / ""
    analysis_functions_device_power_envelope = (
        analysis_functions_device / ""

    # Die
    analysis_functions_die_sheet_resistance = (
        analysis_functions_die / ""
    analysis_functions_die_loss_cutback = analysis_functions_die / ""
    analysis_functions_die_cutback = analysis_functions_die / ""
    analysis_functions_die_aggregate = analysis_functions_die / ""

    # Wafer
    analysis_functions_wafer_loss_cutback = (
        analysis_functions_wafer / ""
    analysis_functions_wafer_device_data_id = (
        analysis_functions_wafer / ""
    analysis_functions_wafer_device_data = (
        analysis_functions_wafer / ""

def get_affinity() -> int:
    """Get number of cores/threads available.

    On (most) linux we can get it through the scheduling affinity. Otherwise,
    fall back to the multiprocessing cpu count.
        threads = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))
    except AttributeError:
        threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    return threads

dotenv_path = find_dotenv(usecwd=True)

[docs] class Config(BaseSettings): # noqa: D101 model_config = SettingsConfigDict(env_file=dotenv_path, extra="ignore") dodata_url: str dodata_user: str dodata_password: str dodata_db: str dodata_db_user: str dodata_db_password: str dodata_db_name: str = "dodata" dodata_db_port: int = 5432 debug: bool = False n_threads: int = get_affinity() // 3 or 1 n_cores: int = get_affinity() // 2 or 1 ssl_verify: bool = True @property def dodata_db_connection_url(self) -> URL: """Calculates the connection URI.""" if "sqlite" in self.dodata_db: # For SQLite, the URL should be directly returned if correctly formatted # 'sqlite:///' for file-based and 'sqlite:///:memory:' for in-memory if self.dodata_db.startswith("sqlite:///"): return URL.create( drivername="sqlite", database=self.dodata_db.removeprefix("sqlite:///"), ) elif self.dodata_db == ":memory:": return URL.create(drivername="sqlite", database=self.dodata_db) else: # Handle cases where the SQLite URL might not be in the standard format return URL.create(drivername="sqlite", database=self.dodata_db) else: # For other databases like PostgreSQL return URL.create( drivername="postgresql+psycopg2", username=self.dodata_db_user, password=self.dodata_db_password, host=self.dodata_db, port=self.dodata_db_port, database=self.dodata_db_name, )
@lru_cache def get_settings() -> Config: """The one and only settings.""" return Config()