DoData python library 0.6.3

DoData python library 0.6.3#

In chip design, managing a variety of data types is essential:

  • Simulations

  • Layouts

  • Verification results (DRC, LVS …)

  • Measurements

  • Yield, qualification data


DoData delivers a cutting-edge data storage solution specifically crafted for the complexities of chip design. Our platform seamlessly integrates into your existing workflow, offering a scalable approach to store, manage, and analyze all your critical data files, enhancing both efficiency and effectiveness in your design process.




We only support Python 3.11 or 3.12, and recommend VSCode IDE and UV. You can install UV on a terminal with the following commands:

# On macOS and Linux.
curl -LsSf | sh
# On Windows.
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"

Then you can install dodata with:

uv pip install "dodata[demos]" --upgrade


Ensure you create a .env file in your working directory with the following contents:

dodata_url = ''
dodata_user = 'dodata_user'
dodata_password = 'dodata_web_password'
dodata_db = ''
dodata_db_user = "db_username_here"
dodata_db_password = "db_password_here"
dodata_db_name = "dodata"
data_db_port = 5432
debug = False

The .env file should be in the same directory where you run the notebooks or in a parent directory.

Run notebooks#

To run the notebooks, you can use either VSCode or JupyterLab:

  • VSCode: Ensure you select the same Conda Python interpreter where the packages were installed.

  • JupyterLab: Launch JupyterLab by running jupyter-lab from the same terminal used for the installation.

Run the notebooks in the following order:

  • 1_generate_layout: Generates the GDS layout and a CSV device manifest, including device coordinates, settings, and analysis.

  • 2_generate_measurement_data: Generates CSV measurement data.

  • 3_upload_measurements: Uploads wafer definitions, measurement data and trigger analysis.

  • 4_download_data: Downloads analysis using specific queries.

  • 5_delete: Deletes data as needed.