For running this DRC examples you will require to open Klayout and make sure you have klive extension installed.
as well as gdsfactoryPlus
pip install gdsfactoryplus --upgrade
Then you need to configure your PDK, URLs and Keys to point to the correct deployment.
To do this, ensure you create a config file in ~/.gdsfactory/gdsfactoryplus.toml
with the default gdsfactoryplus settings. For example:
key = "<your-api-key>"
NOTE: You can also use this as a template for your own global gdsfactoryplus config or your per-project pyproject.toml file.
Now you have 2 options:
Create a GDS file with errors using GDSFactory PDK.
Upload an existing GDS
Let’s create a GDS with some DRC errors, run DRC on the remote server and review the results locally in your computer.
option = 1
if option == 1:
from cspdk.si220.samples.drc_errors import errors
c = errors()
gdspath = c.write_gds()
elif option == 2:
from tkinter import filedialog
gdspath = filedialog.askopenfilename()

Object `gfp.check_drc` not found.
import pathlib
lyrdb = gfp.check_drc(gdspath)
lyrdb_path = pathlib.Path("errors.lyrdb")
gf.show(gdspath, lyrdb=lyrdb_path)
If you have a valid API key you can now browse through the errors in klayout.